20 Mile Harbor Run

This past weekend was a whirlwind that included:

  • A three-hour bus ride to NYC
  • An afternoon searching for a T-Rex at the American Natural History Museum

  • Dinner at S’Mac — a restaurant that serves only macaroni and cheese in a dozen variations (brie and figs anyone?)

(This is actually a friend’s cheddar and parm concoction–mine didn’t survive long enough for pictures)

  • General shenanigans at Mason Dixon, a bar which boasts its very own mechanical bull 

(oh yes, she did!)

(hard to believe I was dead sober, eh?)

  • A 5am bedtime… am I the only one that didn’t know bars are open until 4am in New York?  …ugh…

(sleepy time)

  • Copious amounts of coffee
  • A tour of the Times Square Toys R Us (it has a ferris wheel inside!)
  • And another looong bus ride home. 

And following all of that?  A 20 mile run.

On Labor Day I woke up bright and early at 6am and headed to the kitchen for my standard pre-run breakfast of oatmeal and banana.   And then I went back to sleep for 3.5 hours.  When I woke again at 9:30 I was groggy, cranky and not exactly chomping at the bit for a run, but then I thought about that mac ‘n cheese (and the Mexican pastries, yes plural, that I’d inhaled at brunch on Saturday) and knew it had to be done.  Before I could think much more about it, I grabbed my new hydration belt, five GUs and headed out the door. 

Since it had been 4 hours since breakfast, I sucked down my first GU on my drive to Patterson Park.  My plan for the run was to start at the park and run towards the harbor, then I would follow the waterfront all the way around to Fort McHenry and double back.  I’d never run down there before, but I felt like I needed a change of scenery if I was going to get this done and I’m so glad that I did. 

The brick and wood plank piers were so much nicer on my knees! 

Though I wanted to, I did not stop for a tour of the coolest submarine ever

Gorgeous, gorgeous day!

The run along the waterfront was not only picturesque, but it held my attention as I really had to watch my footing on the boardwalk planks and around the twists and turns of the piers.  I ran through Highlandtown, Canton, Fells Point, Harbor East, Inner Harbor, Federal Hill, Pier Point, Riverside, Locust Point and Fort McHenry.  Phew! 

When I reached Fort McHenry I was actually only at mile 8 and it was the end of the road.  Rather than turn around early and try and make up the miles eleswhere, I decided to do three laps around the fort.  McHenry is a star-shaped fort that is surrounded on three sides by the Chesapeake.  It was where troops defended Baltimore against the British Navy in the War of 1812 — the battle that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner.  The views were amazing.

Before I left the fort, I refilled my two water bottles (the two others were still full of Gatorade).  A mere 5 miles later I was running on empty and desperately searching for a water fountain, a hose, anything other than the nasty Baltimore bay water.  I finally spotted two people wearing official looking lanyards around their necks who took pity on me, allowing me to use the facilities of some private boat club to refill my bottles.  I had taken a salt tablet before I left, but running in the afternoon without shade probably warranted at least 2 or 3 of those babies.  I was feeling ok, but by the end of my 20 miles I had consumed 73oz of fluid(!!). 

Check out my dizzy stagger back to my car when I was done!!


My plan was to do a second loop around the park to bring my total milage to 22, but the perimeter of the park had absolutely no shade at 2pm and I was getting crazy hot (and clearly not in top form) so I called it a day. 

I stopped at the grocery for a banana and an orange on the way home and after my ice bath I made a yummy smoothie with spinach and vanilla protein powder.  Later we went out for burgers and ice cream. 🙂

All in all, I say it was a successful holiday weekend!  How was yours?


11 Responses to 20 Mile Harbor Run

  1. The Linz says:

    What a fun weekend!! And what a beautiful route you ran in. Your pictures were fun to look at. And I’m sure besides the lack of shade you had a great run. I admire you for all your running you are doing while out of your normal running area. That is pretty awesome!

  2. Aneta says:

    wow that is an eventful 20 miler. gooood job!! thats awesome!

  3. BostonRunner says:

    Wow.. I couldn’t run a 20 miler period, let alone after an eventful weekend like yours! Looks like you had fun and what a beautiful running route!

  4. Jess says:

    Looks like you a had a great weekend. Nice job gutting it out for the end of that 20 miler! You did a great job!

  5. Woo! Look at those views. Just another reason to visit Baltimore.

    Congrats on the 20 miler!!

  6. Jaime says:

    Wow what a crazy weekend! I love the photos of Baltimore. Kind of makes me miss it a little bit.

    Sounds like a great 20 miler – the weather was so beautiful these past few days so you couldn’t ask for a better time to be doing your extra-long runs!

  7. That sounds like an insanely eventful weekend and the scenery for your long run looks gorgeous! Great job on getting those 20 miles logged!

  8. sarah says:

    Dude. That is intense, from the 5 a.m. bedtime all the way to the run, and not to mention the beer bucket. If there’s a way to use a three-day weekend, this is it!

  9. lizzyj1305 says:

    hey girlie!
    what an awesome weekend! way to rock out a seriously AMAZING 20-miler! i LOVE bullriding…so much!
    and yes poor DAMEN! ahh I would never reject him! 😉 hehe! I hope youre having a great week!

  10. lindsay says:

    whoa crazy weekend. 5am bed time? i’d dieeee.

    but nice job on the 20-miler! looks like a scenic one.

  11. What a beautiful place to run! I think running is so much easier with something interesting to gaze at a long the way.

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